Thursday, May 28, 2009

Funderaiser Candles Starts Now!!

We are so excited! We got the order forms today for the Candle Fundraiser! Yahoo! We are selling them now until June 15th. We got to smell the different scents today that we will be selling. Yum, Yum. I have a few favorites for sure. Please contact us at, call me (Aimee) at 480-650-7407, or leave a comment below and we will be happy to help you get some Yummy candles ordered. We have a goal to sell 400 candles! Please help us reach that! This would be a huge blessing for Angela. 50% of the proceeds go to Angie which is fantastic.

Here are the Candle Scents that we are selling:
Aloha, Blackberry Vanilla, Clean Linen, Lavender & Sage, Mandarin & Mango, Orange Blossom, Pineapple Vanilla, Pomegranate, Sweet Pea, Snickerdoodle Cookie, Sun & Sea, and Vanilla Bean.

Prices and Sizes:
9oz $12.95 (plus tax 6.3%)
16oz $17.95 (plus tax 6.3%)

Although COTA is a Non-Profit Organization, they are only tax-exempt on purchases made in the state of Indiana. That is why we are having to charge tax. Sorry! We were able to get shipping and handling waived though for here in AZ. If ordering out of the state of AZ, there will be a small shipping fee. The fee will be ONLY what it cost to ship to your Zip Code. There will not be any handling fees or anything else added in.

One 9oz Candle $12.95 plus .83 cents for tax.
Two 9oz Candles $25.90 plus $1.63 for tax.
One 16oz Candle $17.95 plus $1.13 for tax.
Two 16oz Candles $35.90 plus $2.26 for tax.
One 9oz + One 16oz Candle $30.90 plus $1.95 for tax.
If you need help figuring out the tax we would love to help.

This Candles are great gift ideas. I got to see them first hand today. I can't wait to get mine! Snickerdoodle and Clean Linen here I come! Yummy! Melissa had a few others that were her favorites. It's all about what you like though! We have had a few people ask us if they can just donate to Angie instead of buying a candle....YES. Absolutely! Write a check to COTA, memo line write, In Honor Of Angela Olivas. Send it to Melissa or to me Aimee (I will email you my address if you need or want it) or you can send it straight to COTA. (2501 COTA Drive. Bloomington, IN 47403). We just thought that if would be fun to not only help a sweet family out but to also get so yummy candles for yourself or to gift out. Your donation either way is appreciated and is a tax right off.

Thank You for your Support, Love, Prayers, and Comments!

Aimee Oliphint

1 comment:

  1. vanilla scent sounds tempting... this sounds great... gotta spread the word...
