Monday, June 8, 2009

My dad PhotoShopped this for us. Thank you, Dad! Angie's has 5 hearts to remind her that the five of us love her.


  1. I NEED one of those. Where can I get one of my own. We are praying for you. I love to read the post and see where the Lord is leading you. You are strong, beautiful girl, He obviously has some important things for you to do!!

    Thanks for the updates, love you lots.

  2. Hey, I want my hand to be in there too! because angie has my heart as well:D Because I love her BUNCHES!:D

    Miss you guys...praying for you:D

  3. O and one more thing that is an awesome looking picture.. I love it!! :D You did a good job Mr. Olivas:D

  4. Melissa has been given the gift of Photography

  5. Mel took the pic.

  6. O my bad I thought it said Mr.Olivas did.. good job Mrs. Olivas:D

  7. WOW I am Loving that photo! Love it!

  8. Drea, Caty is making beeded bracelets. Well I have to go and help cuz there is a lot. Or Lind Proper is selling some that she is making. They are very pretty. Just let me know :D Thank you!!!!!

  9. I was going through some photos I have of Angela, and this one popped out at me. It is one of my favorites of her, but I know it is going to make her cringe. (Oh well)

  10. Haha that "this one" pic is waaay cute :D I think we should blow it up reeal big:D ha love you ang:D

  11. Mel asked me back in July or August of '08 to make a PowerPoint Slideshow of the 4 girls, for Ed. She wanted it set to a favorite song of his. She sent over some photos, and told me what the name of the song was. Well, when it was all said and done, she did good. Somehow, she knew the song, mixed with her photos, would show exactly what she wanted it to show. The Love that family has for each other. If you care to view the slideshow, just click the link above, Save it, then when it is done downloading, click on it, and it should play. If not, you may need to get a PowerPoint Viewer.

  12. Wow! I love the photo! It brings tears to my eyes. Angie, you are prayed for. I picture a huge picture with millions of hands reaching in with those bracelets on each one, representing prayers for you!

    It is true! The Lord loves you so much, He impresses on our hearts to pray for you.

    love to you,

  13. How sweet seeing your family come together for this. Love the picture
