Saturday, May 30, 2009

Just A Couple Of Pictures

This is Angie and Roxie with a very sweet guy named Thomas. Rox got her In N Out fix before going back to Texas. Thomas hooked her up with some bumper stickers so she could be the envy of all her former Californian now Texan friends.

Two Hotties!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Angie Says My Posts Are Too Long

Hey there, everyone. I just want to send out a quick note. Angela has had a cold for about 2 weeks now. She isn’t too sick but her voice is raspy and cute. :) Anyway, she has had a few episodes where she was easily winded by doing simple things like walking down the street. Shortness of breath is a big red flag. I have been praying that it was because of her cold and not because her condition had deteriorated this fast. Sharon the coordinator called the cardiologist. They are going to put her on a heart monitor here at home. Normally they want a good 24 hours on the monitor, but this time they want her on it for 30 days. I don’t know if this is necessarily bad news, but it’s enough to cause a little anxiety.

Roxie is going home tomorrow too so Angie is going to be sad.

One last thing, a friend of Angie’s has a 19-year-old brother who was taken to the ER last night with chest pain. They have mentioned possible cardiomyopathy. They also think he might have had a heart attack. If anyone who is reading this could stop and say a prayer for Alex, I know the family could use it.

Thank you for all of the support. We can feel the prayers holding us up.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Funderaiser Candles Starts Now!!

We are so excited! We got the order forms today for the Candle Fundraiser! Yahoo! We are selling them now until June 15th. We got to smell the different scents today that we will be selling. Yum, Yum. I have a few favorites for sure. Please contact us at, call me (Aimee) at 480-650-7407, or leave a comment below and we will be happy to help you get some Yummy candles ordered. We have a goal to sell 400 candles! Please help us reach that! This would be a huge blessing for Angela. 50% of the proceeds go to Angie which is fantastic.

Here are the Candle Scents that we are selling:
Aloha, Blackberry Vanilla, Clean Linen, Lavender & Sage, Mandarin & Mango, Orange Blossom, Pineapple Vanilla, Pomegranate, Sweet Pea, Snickerdoodle Cookie, Sun & Sea, and Vanilla Bean.

Prices and Sizes:
9oz $12.95 (plus tax 6.3%)
16oz $17.95 (plus tax 6.3%)

Although COTA is a Non-Profit Organization, they are only tax-exempt on purchases made in the state of Indiana. That is why we are having to charge tax. Sorry! We were able to get shipping and handling waived though for here in AZ. If ordering out of the state of AZ, there will be a small shipping fee. The fee will be ONLY what it cost to ship to your Zip Code. There will not be any handling fees or anything else added in.

One 9oz Candle $12.95 plus .83 cents for tax.
Two 9oz Candles $25.90 plus $1.63 for tax.
One 16oz Candle $17.95 plus $1.13 for tax.
Two 16oz Candles $35.90 plus $2.26 for tax.
One 9oz + One 16oz Candle $30.90 plus $1.95 for tax.
If you need help figuring out the tax we would love to help.

This Candles are great gift ideas. I got to see them first hand today. I can't wait to get mine! Snickerdoodle and Clean Linen here I come! Yummy! Melissa had a few others that were her favorites. It's all about what you like though! We have had a few people ask us if they can just donate to Angie instead of buying a candle....YES. Absolutely! Write a check to COTA, memo line write, In Honor Of Angela Olivas. Send it to Melissa or to me Aimee (I will email you my address if you need or want it) or you can send it straight to COTA. (2501 COTA Drive. Bloomington, IN 47403). We just thought that if would be fun to not only help a sweet family out but to also get so yummy candles for yourself or to gift out. Your donation either way is appreciated and is a tax right off.

Thank You for your Support, Love, Prayers, and Comments!

Aimee Oliphint

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Me and My Roxanne Rising :D

That is me and my BFFE * Best friends for eternity* Roxie. She is the most amazing girl you will ever meet! :D
I would like to say thank you. The amount that I have seen people help me and my family. It means the world. Thank you to everyone.
I have been reading in Genesis a lot, it is so weird to me that the same person that was with Adam and Eve in the Garden and told Noah to build a ark, is the same person that I get to talk to when ever I want. It is so amazing to me! Thank you too, for the verse that some have given. They are amazing! God has put some really amazing people in life, before this, and because of this. Thank you!!!!! :D

Monday, May 25, 2009

Candle Fundraiser

We are starting to get our fundraisers in full gear. Please help support Angela. She is in need of a heart transplant and with that comes BILLS that Insurance doesn't all pay for before and after Transplant. When this is all said and done, it will be over 1 million dollars. Thank you Jesus that, that won't be all out of pocket cost. The money that will be donated to Angie for her medical bills will be held with an organization called COTA (Children’s Organ Transplant Association). They will only pay out the money if it is for a medical need. They also will give Angie Grants as she reaches and raises certain goals. How awesome is that! COTA is a NON-PROFIT organization!

Children’s Organ Transplant Association helps children and young adults who need or have had a life-saving transplant by providing fundraising assistance and family support. Learn more about COTA and their work to ensure that no child or young adult is denied a transplant or excluded from a transplant waiting list due to lack of funds. To read more and learn about this great organization please just click on the name COTA.

We will be selling
Blush Candle's starting June 1st. 50% of the proceeds will be donated to Angie! That is so awesome! Please let your house get super stinky then June 1st contact Melissa or Aimee for some great smelling candles. If you live in AZ, I would be happy to deliver them to you! Other states anywhere out-of-state I believe that we can accept Paypal and ship candles for an additional fee. That I am still looking into. Email me if you are interested and I can let you know and give you an estimate, if we can. To learn more about Blush Candle's you can click on the name.

To get a hold of me for any questions you have, please leave a comment for me on Angela's Blog, or email me at

Thank you everyone for all the prayers and encouraging words. Please keep them coming. They mean a lot to Angela and the family.

--------------------UPDATE ON CANDLE'S BELOW-----------------------

First of all THANK YOU VALERIE for all your help with the candles. Valerie is the consultant for the
Blush candles. She has ROCKED! Doing much more than what she should. Thank you for helping raise money for this sweet girl, Angie.

I got an answer on Shipping for Orders that are made out of state of AZ. YES! We can!! Just email us your name, shipping address, order, and e-mail address.I will give the info to the Valerie and she will contact you and send you an invoice via Paypal with the total including shipping cost (won't charge anything extra). The shipping cost will depend on how many candles and your shipping zip code. She will then ship the candles to you after the end of the fundraiser. She will make sure that Angie gets the 50% of the sale.

Here will be the Scents that you will be able to choose from for Angela's Fundraiser. There are 12 summer scents.

Aloha, Blackberry Vanilla, Clean Linen, Lavender & Sage, Mandarin & Mango, Orange Blossom, Pineapple Vanilla, Pomegranate, Sweet Pea, Snickerdoodle Cookie, Sun & Sea, and Vanilla Bean.

When we get closer to the date...I will post prices. Here is a little bit about what to expect with

Blush candle is hand-poured using the finest ingredients and time-tested manufacturing techniques. Smooth, creamy waxes are infused with rich fragrance oils to make our extraordinarily scented candles. The result is a candle that disperses intense aroma throughout an entire space while lit, and continues to smell remarkable long after the candle is extinguished.

If you're like me, you've probably had to make some changes because of the economy. We've definitely been spending more time at home - so I think it's important to make your home as comforting and relaxing as possible.
Blush Candles can make your home feel like a spa retreat at an extremely affordable price.

Blush Candles are perfect hostess gifts and teacher presents. They are also wonderful products for Realtors. In fact, Valerie first discovered Blush Candles when her realtor brought one over for her open house. She loved the way the aroma lingered even hours after everyone had left!

Thank You for your time!! Your prayers!! Your support!! The Verses! Encouraging Words!!

Aimee Oliphint

Friday, May 22, 2009

How Great Is Our God!

Heavenly Father, thank You for the hope of heaven. I think about people who don’t believe in You. I wonder where they would put their faith and hope if they were in our situation. I can’t imagine putting all of my hope in another human being…even a doctor. How devastating it would be to consider the possibility of Angie dying if I didn’t know that she would be safely with You. I know with all of my heart that we would see her again. We would mourn but not for her, but for us because we would miss her. How different this all would be if not for the sacrifice You made in sending Jesus to pay the price for us. You are so good to us. You promise that You will be with us always. You are with us now, holding us up and holding us together. Father, help us to continually focus on You. Don’t let our circumstances wash over us.

Please keep Angie’s lungs healthy. Keep her heart from getting worse. We pray that You would perform a miraculous healing on her. If You have called her to go through this, then continue to glorify Yourself in this situation. We feel so blessed that You are using this as a way to reveal Yourself and show Your greatness and strength. Guard her mind (and ours) from the enemy’s attacks. Do not let him in with his lies. Help us to see these attacks for what they are. We pray that Angela would not encounter any obstacles in getting listed. We pray that You would only open doors for her to receive the perfect heart that You have set aside for her. Help us to be patient. Guard our family against division. Keep Eddie and my relationship strong. May we be on the same page and of one mind.

Father, we pray for the donor of Angie’s heart. First and foremost that he or she would know You as their Savior. We pray that You would use their death as a way to bring people to You. May they have painless death. My heart aches for their family. I pray that they would be using this time to say anything they need to say or doing anything they need to do so that the family can experience peace. Bless this family for the gift that they are giving to my family.

I pray for each and every person that has prayed and is praying for our Angie. Bless them abundantly. Meet all of their needs. Keep them and their families safe and healthy. Reveal Yourself to them today in a special and personal way.

Finally, Father, I want to lift up Danny to You. I pray that you would remove the cancer from his body. If You choose to bring him home to You, give his family peace. I thank You for their relationship with You. Meet them where they are today. May they have a sense of Your love, abundantly.

May Your will always be done in our lives.

In Jesus’ name.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Good Nap Solves So Much

That is what I have discovered. I went to bed last night at a bad time. It was like 2 am which is normal for our out-of-the-norm family. The difference today was that I had to be at the airport at 7:55 am to pick up Roxy. Eddie got woken up by Rainna who is teething. She was not a happy girl. Then there was an issue with the trash and with the hose. I was late and Roxy's plane was early. Then came the nap. It's a good day for a nap too. It is stormy here. The sky is gray and the wind is blowing. In AZ, in May, it is still hot. We can crank up the ac, look outside and pretend it's cold though. I'm not sure how long I slept, but I think it was at least 3 hours. (That is definitely a benefit of having the kids spaced out so far.) So, I got up from my nap and ended up having a pretty productive day. I called Wal-Mart to find out about doing fundraising in front of their store. I called the bank to find out how to set up a non-profit account. The bank directed me to the IRS. The guy at the IRS was nice. He even said he would pray for Angie. We weren't sure about using the organization I talked about before. (COTA) They are pretty strict and I was worried about them a little. I prayed for direction. After talking to WalMart (who will only let organizations do fundraising there), the bank, and the IRS (who said that the donations couldn't be used as a charitable donation deduction unless we were an organization) we decided to use COTA. We got the application faxed over. (Thank you, Elissa for the use of your fax machine.) I talked to Aimee and updated her on everything since she is my "Campaign Coordinator." She has been telling me about one of her friends who sells candles. Apparently, the candle company is pretty generous with fundraising. Her friend has blown me away with how much she is doing to help us. (thank you so much!) I will have more on the candles after all of the details are worked out. It is something to keep in mind before you go waste all your money on a Yankee or something. :) Some of the other ideas that we have been kicking around are a penny drive, a dinner-concert night, and a car wash. If any of you have any ideas that have been fun and helped raise money, please let us know!

Angie's BFF Roxy is one of the greatest kids you will ever meet. She leads worship for bible study and has been asking, "what can I do to help" since she walked through our door. I hope many of you get to meet her during the week she will be here.

Angie finished school today. I think she made it to jr year. YAY! The girls are out shopping and getting their hair done right now ( AKA looking at boys.)

We are going to take some pictures of Angie and Rox. I will post some. Thanks for following this blog. It's still weird and I never know what to write about.

God bless you and your families.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Oh my goodness!!! I am now also sick with the flu!! I have been throwing up a lot. L0l it's just my luck. I am having some trouble. I am very stressed with everything going on around me. Some of my friends are really bugging me, because they are complaining to me about something so small in their lives. Since I have been diagnosed with Restrictive Cardiomyopathy it has really helped me put my perspectives into place. Please friends that are reading this, do not think it is you. It is more people that do not read my blog.
I am also getting mad, because I question why I have this. See when I went in to do my Cath, it was suppose to be the end of my heart junk. I was going to wake up and be as good as new. When they told me I was mad. Ask Aimee, I did not talk for over an hour. This is also something that I do, when I get upset I want to go off and be by myself and talk to the people that comfort me the most.

Tomorrow Roxie is coming out! I hope that being with her will get my mind off of everything. Also tomorrow is my last day of school! I am so happy. It feels so good to only have my two favorite classes left for tomorrow!!!!!! Thank you Jesus!

Well I know everyone wanted to know REALLY how I am doing. I am trying to give it all to God, but sometimes it is just hard to think about everything. It is a good way the enemy to attack me and my family. Please pray for us. Thank you

We Have Our Ups And Downs

I’m almost embarrassed to admit that we struggle at times. I know I have posted when God has given me verses or an extra portion of strength. People have commented on how strong we are being. (That is God, not us.) It makes it hard to confess times when we falter though. Truth be told there are times when things get rough. I was and am ready for sadness (as much as someone can be.) I wasn’t prepared for the anger though. Angie is struggling with "why me" and she is mad about it. Because of this, her attitude sucks sometimes. It is tough because I can’t even begin to understand trying to process all of this at 15. So, I want to be lenient and understanding. How do you be sympathetic when she is being difficult and slamming stuff around? I told her it is like trying to hug a porcupine.

I am sorry we haven’t written in a few days. We have been busy. Monday was Katlyn’s graduation and my parents were here. We went out to eat and then to the graduation. Afterward, everyone came back to our house for cake and the kids played Rock Band. Yesterday was a bad day. I had some stomach thing going on. Angie was freaking out because she let herself fall behind on schoolwork. Katlyn and I were trying to help, but Angie was still being a brat. She has finals today and tomorrow.

Today I woke up to a call from Sharon. She FINALLY got someone from Anthem on the phone. They said that “yes” they would pay out-of-network costs for Angie to have her surgery in Tucson. So YAY!!!! We don’t have to go to UCLA. She also told me that she has already sent the paperwork to Tucson. We are just waiting for that to get reviewed and then we should get this thing going.

OK, well Aimee should be here in a little over an hour. We are going to watch a DVD that COTA sent me. I need to get that stuff all turned in so we can start the fundraising.

I will have Angie post tonight.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Okay, so today I was reading a little book that a old leader in the high school gave me. It's called" God's Promises" And it is a book of little verses. Well one really got me. Let me share it.

Mathew 6:25-34

"Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, [will He] not much more [clothe] you, O you of little faith? "Therefore do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day [is] its own trouble."

Sorry, I know it is long. But It really got me to think. Through all of this, I have nothing to worry about. I am in God's hands. If He takes care of grass, He will take care of me. Maybe this can help some of you readers. Just remember, God is in control. He will not let anything outside of His plan in your life happen. AMAZING!!!!

Thank you,

Saturday, May 16, 2009

How I Am Doing.

Hello Everyone!!! It's Angie! That picture is of me and My friend Roxie, I have not seen her in 2 years and she is coming to see me on Thursday! :D :D :D Yay!!! I want to say thank you. I love coming on here and reading all the comments! I told God, I want to be able to encourage others, and so far it is working! Thank you Jesus!

I know a lot of people were asking how I was doing. There are times that it is very hard to think about. But God is helping me in ways words cannot describe. I hate going to doctor appointments the most. You tend to not think about some stuff and when you see the doctor, they will always bring it up. :D

My leg is doing SO much better! Thank God! It hurt so bad for two weeks straight and I could not walk on it. That was not fun! :D Due to that, I am two weeks behind on all my school work and it is very hard to get caught up. I only have four more days to do it all!!!!! AHHHH Pray for me :D Well, that's all for me. Thank you! It means the world to see all these people come together and pray for me and post such sweet things! You guys make me cry everyday, but in a good way! :D Thank you!!!! Thank you Aimee and Mom for putting all this together!!!! :D I will try and write more often. :D

COTA. Fundraising.

I was hoping to have more answers than I do by the time the week was over. I don’t think that the coordinator (her name is Sharon) can send the information to Tucson until we get a definite “yes you can” from that third party company I wrote about. The name of that company is Anthem. (That should be easier to write than “third party company.”) Tucson can’t order the blood work until they get the paper work and the surgeons can’t review the paper work until it’s sent. Gotta love bureaucracy.

Thankfully we have my parents coming out tomorrow and Katlyn’s graduation on Monday. We won’t be sitting around waiting for a call to say we’re a go. I have to keep reminding myself that it will all happen in God’s timing. Maybe He is teaching me patience. I’m a do-er. If a problem comes up, I want to jump right in a get it taken care of now. I’m frustrated.

There is an organization called Children’s Organ Transplant Association. (COTA) What they do is help families whose child needs a transplant raise money. One of the things they require is that we have at least 3 people to be the fundraising team. There will be one person coordinating the fundraising effort. That person is Aimee. We need a couple more people who would be willing to help her. COTA will send a volunteer out to train everyone. Once we get the people we need, I can send in the application. The president of the organization will call me and give me a fundraising goal. They will set up an account to hold all of the funds. That ensures everyone that we aren’t raising money for a new boat. They have rules about what the money raised can be applied towards.

Angela just told me that she plans on blogging today. That will be good. Her last day of school is Thursday. That same day her best friend is coming out from TX. She can tell you more about that. She's excited.

Everyone has left such sweet comments. Honestly, I’m a little embarrassed that so many people are reading this. I feel like it’s what God has me doing right now. He knows I need to do SOMETHING. :)


Friday, May 15, 2009

The Peace That Passes All Understanding

So I had titled the slideshow on here “My Angie.” Aimee apparently came in and changed it. I guess I have to share my Angie, huh?

God gave me something today. I pictured our family in a raft heading down a river. Up ahead we can see rough water. Our instinct would tell us that we need to be fearful and hang on tight. God is telling us, “Don’t be afraid. I am here and even if you did somersaults in that raft, I will not let you fall.” That is the peace that we have been experiencing. We know that we are in for a long, rough trip, but we know our God is in control. Psalms 139:17-18 says that God’s thoughts towards us are more in number than the sand. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” One of my favorite verses that I think is such an awesome picture of the protection we have in God is Psalm 46:1-3 “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea, though its waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with its swelling.”

Someone commented on one of these posts that they too had issues with in and out of network facilities in AZ. Her husband appealed to 2 different insurance providers and they paid the claims for the AZ facilities as in-network. That would be HUGE for us. I am going to contact my insurance company and appeal Tucson as being out-of-network. Thank you, Steph. I didn’t even know that was a possibility.

OK so today is payday, which means I have my hands full with paying bills and shopping. God bless each and every one of you.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Little Bit About Us

Blogging is harder than it looks. (There’s the underlining again.)

I am going to get some more pictures up on here.

I was also thinking that there might be people who read this that don’t really know us. For that reason I think I will tell you a little about us. There are 6 in our family. Poor Eddie is the only male. Katlyn is 17 and will be graduating high school on Monday. She’s not really sure what she’s going to do next. We’re waiting to see about Angie first. Katlyn, being the oldest, is a HUGE help to me. Angie is 15 going to be 16 in August. She likes music a lot. She listens to anything from hip-hop to scream-o stuff. Angie is that child who has a huge heart but is frustrating as all heck because she’s spacey. She is definitely her own person and speaks her mind (respectfully, we hope). Evelyn is my 5 almost 6 year old. I call her “happy” because her hugs make all the bad stuff melt away. Rainna is 11 months old. Right now she is pulling all the plastic bowls out of my cabinet. Need I say more? Eddie is a sales manager for a pest control company. We LOVE this company. (It’s called Rollins. Little plug there.) Some people have asked about him needing to take time off of work. He works for one of these family-owned (but HUGE) companies that rally behind their employees. We won’t have a problem with him taking time off of work affecting his pay. Anyone need pest control? Lol

Apparently it is common practice for insurance companies to send their transplant cases out to a third party to handle. The coordinator said it’s because there is so much to it, you don’t want just any CSR handling it. Anyway, this 3rd party is difficult. They all must have worked for the government at some point because they don’t answer their phones or call you back. We got a letter from them in the mail yesterday. They said “they have approved (our) request to receive care as described above.” Above it says that it is for a consultation at UCLA. We have been trying to get an answer from them as to whether we will have out-of-network benefits at Tucson. Everything is kind of on hold until we get that answer. All in God’s timing, right?

Anyway, that is what is on for today. I am going to try and get an answer so we can get this ball rolling.
Aimee is supposed to come over today so we can talk about fundraising. I guess more on that tomorrow. Thank you for reading my ramblings. It’s still so weird to me to be blogging.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Specific Prayer

Some of you have asked what you can pray for specifically. Thank you for that. One of the main things that we pray for is Angela’s lungs. Because her heart is not pumping effectively, the blood doesn’t completely drain into the heart chamber from the lungs. This causes elevated pressure in her lungs, which eventually leads to needing a lung transplant as well. Right now she only has minor damage to them. We pray that the Lord would protect her lungs from further damage until she gets her heart.

Another biggie for us is that she can have what is called a “sudden death event.” That is a nice way of saying that she can die abruptly and without warning. Yesterday we asked the coordinator if it was possible for her to have a sudden death event now and she said it was. However, her problems aren’t so serious that it is a probability. As her disease progresses, the probability increases. I don’t know if Aimee posted this, but our cardiologist told us that 50% of people with restrictive cardiomyopathy have a sudden death event within 2 years of being diagnosed. Scary, huh?

We would really appreciate your prayers for the family as well. The enemy is trying to divide us. We just try to keep clinging to Jesus.

I want you all to know that Angie reads all of your comments. She plans on making a blog entry (One day... You know how teenagers are). I have a list going of bible verses that you have sent as well. I never got the whole blogging thing, but I want to keep everyone informed and interest in Angela going. That being said, I am making it a point to blog every day so please check back.

My Microsoft Word keeps underlining the word “blog.” LOL How old my version must be. :)


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Meeting Today

First of all, we are humbled by all of your prayers and support. It really makes me tear up and I hate to cry.

I’m sorry it has taken so long to get you all an update of Angela’s visit with the transplant coordinator today. We were given a wealth of information and I have been sifting through it trying to wrap my head around it so I could pass it on.

We had been under the impression that the person we were meeting with today would be the person ordering all of the tests that were needed to place Angela on the waiting list for a heart. The lady we saw basically answered our questions and let us know what we could expect to happen next.

She will be gathering all of Angela’s recent and past medical information and sending it to Tucson. That is where (insurance willing) she will be having her surgery. After they receive that information, someone from a transplant team will let us know what blood tests we need to have done. This is supposed to be about 3 days from now. A team of transplant specialists in Tucson will review Angela’s case and set up an evaluation for her. The team meets once a week depending on the availability of the surgeon. We were told to expect it to be 2-3 weeks before we heard from them.

The evaluation will take 3 days. They will do multiple echocardiograms (ultrasound of her heart), a chest x-ray, CT scan and few other things. She has to meet with doctors, nurses and a psychiatrist. From that point, there will be a determination on “listing” her. We were told that she should go right on the list because of the disease that she has. They can’t tell us how long the listing process will take, how long we can expect to be on the list, or how many other people are on the list in our region. The determination of who will get available organs is based on a number of things including how long you have been on the list, the severity of your condition, your weight, the results of your blood work and your blood type.

As far as insurance goes, we do have medical insurance. Our lifetime maximum is higher than most. The down side to our medical insurance right now is that the closest hospital that does transplants that is in-network is UCLA. We are about 2 ½ hours north of Tucson in Arizona. The Tucson hospital is not in-network. Our in-network annual maximum is $3,500. Our out-of-network is $12,000.

When you are on the list, they give you a pager. When that pager goes off, you need to be at the hospital within 1 ½ hours. So, you have to stay close to the hospital for months. After the surgery, she will be in the hospital for 1-2 weeks. After that, she needs to stay at a Ronald McDonald House type of facility near the hospital for 2-6 months. We are choosing to have her surgery here because it seems overwhelming to be split as a family for so long. We are going to start doing some fund raising.

For those of you who God has placed it on their hearts to help, thank you. I will get out more information about that when I get it. We covet your prayers the most. God is good. Please pray for the donor and the donor family. Pray for the salvation of the donor that he/she knows Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Thank you SO MUCH again.

The Olivas’

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Transplant Coordinator

Just a quick note to let you know the Olivas' Family meet with the Transplant Coordinator on Tuesday, May 12th. Keep them in your prayers, especially on this day, that they will remember all the questions that they have. That they get all the answers that they need about Insurance and all the information on what is to come next. They are holding up great. They feel the prayers. Angie is still in pain with her leg, from the Catheter that was done, in April. Please pray that the pain goes away, as she says, "the leg is just a constant reminder of everything." There will be another update about the next steps after Tuesday.

Thank you again, to all who are praying, leaving comments, and verses. Melissa is going to gather up all the verses and encouraging words and do something special with them for Angie.

I spent sometime today with Angie. Please pray for strength and healing of her leg. She was pale, tired, and just not feeling well at all. We went out shopping and she had to sit for a bit everywhere we went. She is in great spirits. Just tired and not feeling 100%.

Thank you for your prayers,