Friday, May 22, 2009

How Great Is Our God!

Heavenly Father, thank You for the hope of heaven. I think about people who don’t believe in You. I wonder where they would put their faith and hope if they were in our situation. I can’t imagine putting all of my hope in another human being…even a doctor. How devastating it would be to consider the possibility of Angie dying if I didn’t know that she would be safely with You. I know with all of my heart that we would see her again. We would mourn but not for her, but for us because we would miss her. How different this all would be if not for the sacrifice You made in sending Jesus to pay the price for us. You are so good to us. You promise that You will be with us always. You are with us now, holding us up and holding us together. Father, help us to continually focus on You. Don’t let our circumstances wash over us.

Please keep Angie’s lungs healthy. Keep her heart from getting worse. We pray that You would perform a miraculous healing on her. If You have called her to go through this, then continue to glorify Yourself in this situation. We feel so blessed that You are using this as a way to reveal Yourself and show Your greatness and strength. Guard her mind (and ours) from the enemy’s attacks. Do not let him in with his lies. Help us to see these attacks for what they are. We pray that Angela would not encounter any obstacles in getting listed. We pray that You would only open doors for her to receive the perfect heart that You have set aside for her. Help us to be patient. Guard our family against division. Keep Eddie and my relationship strong. May we be on the same page and of one mind.

Father, we pray for the donor of Angie’s heart. First and foremost that he or she would know You as their Savior. We pray that You would use their death as a way to bring people to You. May they have painless death. My heart aches for their family. I pray that they would be using this time to say anything they need to say or doing anything they need to do so that the family can experience peace. Bless this family for the gift that they are giving to my family.

I pray for each and every person that has prayed and is praying for our Angie. Bless them abundantly. Meet all of their needs. Keep them and their families safe and healthy. Reveal Yourself to them today in a special and personal way.

Finally, Father, I want to lift up Danny to You. I pray that you would remove the cancer from his body. If You choose to bring him home to You, give his family peace. I thank You for their relationship with You. Meet them where they are today. May they have a sense of Your love, abundantly.

May Your will always be done in our lives.

In Jesus’ name.



  1. Tears!

    That was beautiful. Pure. Straight from your heart.

    I make that my prayer too Lord for this family.....

    I pray that You continue to give them strength and peace. That You continue to rein in their lives and in this situation. That You get all Glory and Honor. I pray for healing for Angie. That her mind is kept with only promises of You. I pray for Eddie and Melissa. That they stay strong together. For each other and Angie. Lord, please be with Katlyn, Evie, and Rainna as they face these hard months and years ahead. Give them comfort, peace, and strength. Protect their minds, body, and souls through all this.

    Thank You Jesus for what You have already done in and for this family. Thank You for what you have done in and with my family through all this. Continue Lord to bless my Hubby and I through them. Lord, I ask that you please continue to give me strength for them. Give me the right words to speak when needed and to know when to be quiet. Thank you for giving me the time to be able to help them. Thank you for answering my prayers when it came to funderaising.


    I love you Olivas' Family!!

  2. What an awesome prayer. I say, I second that with an Amen and Amen!!!!

    Love to you!

